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I don't understand this statement...

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Henry Gilbert

New Member
Hi Chandoo,
A friend showed me a statement the other day and there is a piece of it I don't under stand. It was multiple COUNTIF's, AND, OR combined,, plus a weird twist I've never seen before and I hoped you could explain it to me. The weird part looks like this "=COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$G:$G,"Injury/Illness")*AND(OR(COUNTIF(" , I don't get the purpose of the asterisk. I will post the complete statement in hope you can help.


The Complete Statement

=COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$G:$G,"Injury/Illness")*AND(OR(COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Health Environment and Safety")+COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Information Technology")+COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Supply Chain Management")+COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Finance")+COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Geological & Geophysical Operations")+COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Human Resources")+COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Information & Technology")+COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Appraisal")+COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Business Development & Planning")+COUNTIF(SIFPrevMonth!$B:$B,"DWEP:Exploration")))
Hi Henry,

Welcome to chandoo.org forum.

All I can see that here * is just doing the multiplication with the logical result of AND i.e. either TRUE or FALSE which inturn will convert the result to either 0 or the count of Injury/Illness in column G of SIFprevMonth sheet.

The thing is in OR condition there is a series of addition of count of various condition in column B of SIF Prev Month sheet, which will be a positive number which OR will treats as TRUE or 0 which OR will treats as FALSE. So AND will work and finally the multiplication.

If you can upload a sample file with the purpose of this formula may be we can help you with an alternative or can explain you in much more depth.

First of all welcome onboard...

asterrisk indicates multiple, if you are looking for the detailed explanation, can you please post the sample file.
Hi ,

The weird part that you have questioned is not really weird ; what is weird is the fact that an AND and an OR have used together.

First , to your question.

When we use a mathematical operation on two booleans , we are actually converting the boolean expressions into numeric quantities.

In Boolean logic , a TRUE is equivalent to 1 , and a FALSE is equivalent to 0.

When we carry out an operation such as TRUE * TRUE , what we will end up with is 1 ; TRUE * FALSE will give us 0 , as will the others FALSE * TRUE and FALSE * FALSE.

However , what is weird in the posted formula is why an AND has been used outside the OR , and why the COUNTIF is used in its normal syntax , instead of the array syntax.

The COUNTIF family of functions has 2 versions ; one is something like the following :

=COUNTIF(datarange , scalar value)

Another is :

=COUNTIF(scalar value , datarange)

A third version :

=COUNTIF(datarange , vector value)

is merely a variant of the second version above , since it will also result in an array output.

Here , when I use the term datarange , I mean a range of cells , which may be a single column multiple rows range , or a single row multiple columns range or a combination with multiple rows and multiple columns.

When I use the term scalar value , I mean a single value , which is to be used by referring to an Excel worksheet cell. The first version can also use a literal value , where the scalar value is directly specified in the formula , but the second version cannot.

To make all of this concrete , let us consider a datarange which is G1:G10 , and which consists of the letters :

G1 : A
G2 : B
G3 : A
G4 : blank
G5 : A
G6 : B
G7 : C
G8 : C
G9 : blank
G10 : A

We can have the following :

=COUNTIF(datarange , "A") - returns 4

The above is the first version , but with the scalar value specified within the formula ; "A" is a literal.

We cannot use the following :

=COUNTIF("A" , datarange)

Suppose now we decide to have the scalar value 'A' in a worksheet cell , say M1 , then we can have :

=COUNTIF(datarange , M1) - returns 4

We can also have :

=COUNTIF(M1 , datarange) - returns 0 !

However , the 0 does not really represent the output , which is now an array of values :


What this tells us is that the value in M1 ( the letter A ) occurs in datarange in the first , third , fifth and tenth positions.

Generally speaking , using an OR around this formula , as in :

=OR(COUNTIF(M1 , datarange))

is perfectly valid , and in this case it will return TRUE provided the above formula is entered as an array formula , using CTRL SHIFT ENTER.

However , using an additional AND , as in :

=AND(OR(COUNTIF(M1 , datarange)))

is superfluous , since for the AND function there is only one parameter , which in this case is the OR function ; thus , if the OR function returns a TRUE output , the AND function will also return the same TRUE output ; similarly , if the OR function returns a FALSE output , the AND function will also return FALSE.

Hello, everyone!
Has anyone ever encountered boolean logic MINUS sign?
Something like IF the first statement is TRUE, the second CAN be either FALSE OR TRUE,
and if the 1-st is FALSE the second is ought to be FALSE and can not ever be TRUE (otherwise, the whole statement becomes "-1")?
You should open a new thread.
( This thread is already few Years old. )
You would reread Forum Rules
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