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how to use curly braces for searching multiple values in an array


New Member
how to take cell value reference inside curly braces
for eg.,feedersinterruption_dailyentry!$F$3:$F$933,({"ocr","efr"}),This will give correct value
but if i put cell reference it is not taking cell value reference feedersinterruption_dailyentry!$F$3:$F$933,({&B6,&C6})
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Maybe feedersinterruption_dailyentry!$F$3:$F$933,({INDIRECT(B6),INDIRECT(C6)})
( no file added - untested)
please check the attached file,i want to calculate total duration of ocr and efr,please suggest formula


  • query.xlsx
    9.7 KB · Views: 7
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Curly brackets are for array constants, which cell references are not. You just need:

If you aren't on a dynamic array version of Excel, you'll need to array enter the formula using Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
if the two selected reasons were non-adjacent you could pick the contents up as an array by using
= SUM(SUMIFS(Duration, Reason, CHOOSE({1,2}, selection1, selection2)))
With 365 I would be more inclined to use
= SUM(SUMIFS(Duration, Reason, VSTACK(selection1, selection2)))
(Note: Every formula I write uses defined names and arrays so may not suit your style)