Chirag R Raval
Dear All Experts & Users,
Good Day & many wishes God Bless you in your fulfilment of dreams
SUBJECT:- How to send each file in folder through outlook with conditional, sending ID, Subject & Body Text with formatted signature?
Any help will be appreciated..
Chirag Raval
Good Day & many wishes God Bless you in your fulfilment of dreams
SUBJECT:- How to send each file in folder through outlook with conditional, sending ID, Subject & Body Text with formatted signature?
- I have 50 files in one folder.
- Each file name start with 5 digit number which is buyer no (customer id)..
- I have a outlook group IDs named same as their customer ID which have their multiple ids (for example -in outlook , in “To”, if I just put 11345 (group name) , mail send to that group 11345 have multiple id so mail goes to that multiple ids)
- code that read folder’s files’s first 5 digit & search that 5 digit in outlook group if found put That group name in “To” field
- Attaché that file in that mail
- For subject field also search that 5 digit in Excel buyer master file that reside in particular fixed location & lookup name for that 5 digit buyer code (Example -excel file column A have buyer no like 11345 Column B have name of that buyer code like “Senator”) & put this sentence in subject “11345-SENATOR, (AHMEDABAD), Your Confirmation Attached”
- Copy subject line in body like hard enter after buyer name like
Your Confirmation Attached’
I have formatted signature which require to put in that mail & send
- Finally , Of course for each file send mail for all files in that folder
Any help will be appreciated..
Chirag Raval