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How to remove am pm from excel timestamp?


New Member
I am trying to change 0:00:20 to 20 seconds.

The(HH:MM:SS)format results in 12:00:20 AM.

How do I change this to 20 seconds (without the AM).
Good day idpope

In number I choose custom and in type I put ss and that did the trick, I am using 2010

But that does not work with varying time values that may include hours, minutes and seconds.

Using the hh:mm:ss format results in values that end with AM or PM.

Still need help.
Hi ,

Try this :


where A1 has the time value. Format the cell where this formula is entered as General or Number.

Hi, idpope!

Try this in B1, shorter and simpler:


No matter if A1 is numeric and formatted as time or if it is text.
