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How to hide used formulae without using Macros.

How 2 merge more than 1 excel file into a single file with sheet arranged alphabetically.

please give solution with examples (by using macros and without macros).
"How to hide used formulae without using Macros.It can be used by the user only for filling data."

Select Cells

Goto Format Cells Ctrl 1, Protection tab and Select Hidden

exit Format Cells

Goto Review Tab, Protect Sheet, add a password if required and OK

Please post multiple Questions in Different Posts
Thank Hui for the reply,

But I want to view the value contained in the cell.i don't want the user to know the formulae contained in the cell.
I tried that method couple of times.But when I protect the sheet with a password.

It is showing a message "The cell or chart that you are trying to change is protected and terefore read only."
Why would the user need to change the cell if it has a formula in it?

Any cell that is blank (and presumably you want the user to change) you need to:

Goto Format Cells Ctrl 1, Protection tab and Un-Select Locked
When you apply protection to the sheet any areas you want to allow users access must be unprotected as Luke described above