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How to get a line chart with dates and hours?

Hi the forum,

I want to create a chart with dates in horizontal axis and hours in vertical axis.
I have two columns showing by date col1) the time of sunrise (col2).
The two columns have the same content with a different format.
For dates: dd-mm-yyyy h:mm:ss displayed as dd-mm-yyyy
For hours: dd-mm-yyyy h:mm:ss displayed as h:mm
Could a member of the forum advices me about the required manipulations to get a bell curve.

Thank you in advance for your answer
Hi Narayank,
Many thanks for your solution.
But, could you be so kindly to explain the use of the MOD function in this case.
And, by the way, how can I highlight the today's date on the chart.
Hi ,

The MOD function returns the remainder when a number , which is passed as the first parameter to the MOD function , is divided by another number , which is passed as the second parameter to the MOD function.

Thus , a formula such as :

=MOD(A , B)

will return the remainder when A is divided by B.

For example ,

=MOD(13 , 7)

will return 6.

=MOD(7 , 13)

will return 7.

Highlighting today's date involves more work , and I will upload the revised workbook later.
