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How to find the next business day? If the date is a weekend or a holiday, what's the next business day?


New Member
I am being asked to provide an expected delivery date to a customer for a list of orders. Our business system can produce the report with a delivery date but does not consider weekends or holidays. So I need to take the report provided by the system and either provide the existing date, or if that date is a weekend or holiday return the next business day instead.
If it were just weekends, with the date in A1, the formula could be =IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=1,A1+1,IF(WEEKDAY(A1)=7,A1+2,A1)).
I could use that formula to create a two column table with every date in the next 2 years in the first column and the next business day (or same day if not a weekend or holiday) in the second column, then do an XLOOKUP. But is there a more elegant solution? Considering business holidays are not exactly standard, I understand I will need a table with the holidays somewhere to refer to. But I'm looking to create a template where the user can drop the report data and have a calculated column that shows the actual delivery date in replacement of the system calculated date. Thank you in advance for any helpful suggestions.
I suggest the best approach would be to use the WORKDAY or WORKDAY.INTL function. First subtract the assumed lead time (maybe 1 day), to go back to the order date, then perform the correct calculation.
=WORKDAY(givenDate-n, n)
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