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How to Filter out the data according to the first cell


New Member
i have an excel sheet in which the city name and corresponding codes are given like this. Datas are in the cell A1:D1, A2:D2 ,A3:D3, A4:D4. There are some thousands of rows in the actual excel sheet

City name code1 Code2 code 3 code4

Mumbai 25 98 154 32

Calcutta 85 94 42 69

Delhi 45 65 75 65

Now i want to arrange the data like this

Mumbai 25

Mumbai 98

Mumbai 154

Mumbai 32

Calcutta 85

Calcutta 94

Calcutta 42

Calcutta 69
Hi, Vijayonline2008!

First of all your data should be in columns A:E instead of A:D. Assuming it starts at row 1 with titles on sheet 'Hoja1' and that you want the output list in sheet 'Hoja2' with titles in row 1 and data from row 2 in advance, do this in 2nd worksheet:

a) type in A2: =INDICE(Hoja1!A:A;ENTERO((FILA()-2)/4)+2) -----> in english: =INDEX(Hoja1!A:A,INT((ROW()-2)/4)+2)

b) type in B2: =INDICE(Hoja1!B:E;ENTERO((FILA()-2)/4)+2;RESIDUO(FILA()-2;4)+1) -----> in english: =INDEX(Hoja1!B:E,INT((ROW()-2)/4)+2,MOD(ROW()-2,4)+1)

c) copy A2:B2 down as needed

Might not be the fastest way, but this will give you the desired output. Assumes that first city and code are in row 2. Output goes into col H and I.

Sub ReArrange()
Dim LastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim recordCount As Long
Dim myCity As String
Dim myOffset As Long

LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

'Assume we're moving to col H, starting at row 2
recordCount = 2

myOffset = 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
For i = 2 To LastRow
myCity = Cells(i, "A")
Do While Cells(i, 1 + myOffset) <> ""
Cells(recordCount, "H") = myCity
Cells(recordCount, "I") = Cells(i, 1 + myOffset).Value
recordCount = recordCount + 1
myOffset = myOffset + 1
'reset counter
myOffset = 1
Next i

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub
First you can use concatenate to join the city name and codes in for example column F to I, and have it like this:


Mumbai25 Mumbai98 Mumbai154 Mumbai32

Calcutta85 Calcutta94 Calcutta42 Calcutta69

and so on...

Then name the whole range as "Data".

now use this formula in a new column:
