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How to enable Toggle Button (ActiveX Control) in MAC operation system

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New Member
I created Toggle Button (ActiveX Control) in excel and its working fine on my system and I am using Microsoft Operating System but its not working on MAC operation system. How do I fix the issue. Please help me.
Thank you for the response.

Can you suggest me alternate for Toggle Button (ActiveX Control) which can work on both Microsoft and MAC operating systems.

I tried "Form Controls" but it does work as Toggle Button (ActiveX Control)
None ActiveX-component won't with Mac.
#1 You could use 'normal' button from Developer. Those should work everywhere and You should add wanted code for it
#2 You could use a Shape like a Button, with code too.
In both ways, there could code many functionality. It depends - what do You really need from that button?
Now, I have created simple 2 different rectangle shapes and assigned the each shape with below code to hide and unhide the rows.

When I opened the file in MAC it wasn't working and all my hided sheets were un-hided and removed conditional formatting. Is there any different way should I open excel in MAC or enable in MAC. I am so confused with MAC.

>>> use code - tags <<<
Sub Jan()

Rows("25:47").EntireRow.Hidden = False

End Sub

Sub Jan_Hide()

Rows("25:47").EntireRow.Hidden = True

End Sub
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What is not working?
Which codes?
I've refer You codes in Your other thread.
This thread and that other thread those sheets has different layouts - use same layout!

This thread is closed now,
because ActiveX-components do not work with MacOs.

If You've more questions,
please open a new thread or
continue with that Your other thread.
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