New Member
Hi Experts,
I have a table with large data. Say Project details. I have to create a chart with values of some columns. Two columns are - Vertical , Horizontal. Under Vertical col, many verticals like BFS,COMM,LIFESCIENCE etc are there. Same for Horizontal col also
There are another 3 columns (documentation status, testing status,compliance status)
for creating chart, i am creating a new table with total of 4 columns
1.- Type - Vertical or Horizontal
2.- Doc Status
3.-Test Status
4.-Comp Status
Am using Countif() function to get the total counts.
=COUNTIFS('Compliance Data Sheet'!W:W,"BFS",'Compliance Data Sheet'!N:N,"Approved")
Now the problem here is when the data is populated, some may update as Completed/not completed instead of Approved/not approved.
Is there any way to create a copy of the table but only 4 columns? which will update dynamically when original data changes. Cant upload file(from office)
I have a table with large data. Say Project details. I have to create a chart with values of some columns. Two columns are - Vertical , Horizontal. Under Vertical col, many verticals like BFS,COMM,LIFESCIENCE etc are there. Same for Horizontal col also
There are another 3 columns (documentation status, testing status,compliance status)
for creating chart, i am creating a new table with total of 4 columns
1.- Type - Vertical or Horizontal
2.- Doc Status
3.-Test Status
4.-Comp Status
Am using Countif() function to get the total counts.
=COUNTIFS('Compliance Data Sheet'!W:W,"BFS",'Compliance Data Sheet'!N:N,"Approved")
Now the problem here is when the data is populated, some may update as Completed/not completed instead of Approved/not approved.
Is there any way to create a copy of the table but only 4 columns? which will update dynamically when original data changes. Cant upload file(from office)