Thank you. instead using xlookup and filter, do you have other method? currently i use excel 2016. i try use xlookup and filter cannot workMaybe this works
=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(C5;D5;XLOOKUP(B5;Holiday!$G$2:$G$8;Holiday!$F$2:$F$8);FILTER(Holiday!$B$2:$B$7;Holiday!$A$2:$A$7='Total Days'!A5;0))
if use this formula let say from start date to end date after holiday or before holiday, Is it this formula will calculate also for countif holiday too? supposedly did not countif in list holiday right? please correct me if i wrongIf you keep the set-up of the holidays grouped per state, this seems to work:
oh i see. may i know, which part need to use for OFFSET(Holiday!$A$1 into this formula ?I see I did a mistake in the offset formula. The starting position needs to be an absolute reference OFFSET(Holiday!$A$1
OFFSET can return a array. In the example of Melaka it returns 2 dates 5/01/2023 and 6/01/2024. Because we have 2x Melaka in the list of hoilidays. Hence the countif used. These days are used in the argument holidays of NETWORKDAYS.INTL function. That function corrects the number of working days taking into account the list of holidays. So if the start and end date are both before or after the holidays will have no effect on the calculation. In that scenario the holidays are simply omitted.
Thank you for your assistance. let me try=NETWORKDAYS.INTL(C2;D2;VLOOKUP(B2;Holiday!$G$2:$H$8;2;FALSE);IFNA(OFFSET(Holiday!$A$1;MATCH(A2;Holiday!$A$2:$A$7;0);1;COUNTIF(Holiday!$A$2:$A$7;A2));0))
Just to ask, what tool you use ya? excel file or WPS? i check in WPS this tab formula have it.. but in my excel evaluate formula did not activeI see I did a mistake in the offset formula. The starting position needs to be an absolute reference OFFSET(Holiday!$A$1
OFFSET can return a array. In the example of Melaka it returns 2 dates 5/01/2024 and 6/01/2024. Because we have 2x Melaka in the list of hoilidays. Hence the countif used. These days are used in the argument holidays of NETWORKDAYS.INTL function. That function corrects the number of working days taking into account the list of holidays. So if the start and end date are both before or after the holidays will have no effect on the calculation. In that scenario the holidays are simply omitted.
I can advise you to use the formula auditor to learn how the formula works.
View attachment 86613
After pressing evaluate a couple of times, you will see the following. It also shows you how the formula is calculated.
View attachment 86614
For the error, might it be you have to use a comma "," as argument separator in the formula where I have semi-colon ";"?Just to ask, what tool you use ya? excel file or WPS? i check in WPS this tab formula have it.. but in my excel evaluate formula did not active
View attachment 86615
Its works. thank you for your assistance. can this formula to use in power query, dax (power bi)?Did you select the cell, with the formula? Evaluate is on the ribbon since many versions prior to Excel 2016.
For the error, might it be you have to use a comma "," as argument separator in the formula where I have semi-colon ";"?
See #4, you can open that file. Only correct the formula as in #8
Thank you for your advice and guidance.I do not know of any networkdays-alike function in Power Query. Having said this, with some creativity it can be created with list operators for sure. Google it and you may find some custom made functions by MVP or Power Query experts.
DAX knows the function and as far as arguments go is quite similar to Excel's function. However DAX looks simple at first glance, I can tell you it is not that easy to truly master. You can't simply replicate any excel formula in DAX.