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how do I print an employee timesheet with employee individual name without having to print one at a time please?

Hi. I have attached a sample. I have Excel sheet with month. Where it says name I will insert employee name but just want to generate to print automatically with all employee names without having to insert a name at a time and print a sheet for each employee. Hope it makes sense


  • Screenshot_20240831_055853_Excel.jpg
    295.4 KB · Views: 12
Thanks any help appreciated
Hi. I have attached a sample. I have Excel sheet with month. Where it says name I will insert employee name but just want to generate to print automatically with all employee names without having to insert a name at a time and print a sheet for each employee. Hope it makes sense
Thanks for the sheet image.

From past experience I feel there is more to your project than you have already described and this will prevent you receiving an
accurate answer to your question.

Where are the employee names kept ?
How are you maintaining the shift information/hours for each individual employee ?
Does each date in your example image represent a shift ? Or will there be additional data entered to the right of each date ? Where is that data
kept for each employee ?

There are other questions that will arise as you progress with your project.
Hi. I have names of the employees on mother Excel sheet. The sample I gave you runs from 1sr Sept to 30th september.itsba simple sheet. No hours, no shifts. The employee manually signs in and out on each day. Very simple
Sub PrintShiftsPreview()
    Dim rCl As Range
    Dim rRng As Range
    With Sheet1
        Set rRng = ActiveWorkbook.Windows(1).Selection.Rows
        For Each rCl In rRng
            With Sheet2
                .Cells(1, 1).Value = rCl.Value
            End With
        Next rCl

    End With
   With Sheet2
                .Cells(1, 1).Value = ""
   End With
End Sub

Sub PrintShiftsAll()
    Dim rCl As Range
    Dim rRng As Range
    With Sheet1
        Set rRng = ActiveWorkbook.Windows(1).Selection.Rows
        For Each rCl In rRng
            With Sheet2
                .Cells(1, 1).Value = rCl.Value
            End With
        Next rCl

    End With
    With Sheet2
                .Cells(1, 1).Value = ""
    End With
End Sub


  • Print Shift Ledger.xlsb
    17.6 KB · Views: 3