Not quite sure of what you mean by rows, to filter columns just turn your data into a table (2007/2010) or a list if using 2003. With a table you can filter how you want. if you convert your data into a pivot table you can filter rows or columns by "pivoting" your data.
I'll try to explain with an example. I have a risk log which is now to be used to monitor/track the risks by providing monthly updates on the project. The risks are listed going down the rows and i want to have a column for each month going across. The project is for 12 months so the fist month heading will be in column G4 and is January 2013 and the last column in R4 will have the heading December 2013. As persons are providing their monthly update on the risk I dont want them to see all the months. I want to apply a filter so they will be able to only see the month they are reporting on. Reorienting the spreadsheet is not an option. So instead of applying filters that will hde teh rows which you dont want I want teh filter to hide teh columns I dont want to see.
I hope I've explained myself better. If not let me know.
Debraj Roy: Yes that is what I want to accomplish. Do you know if it can be done without
Bobhc: As I understand pivot tables they give you a summary report of your table. This file will be used by the persons monitoring the risks who will have to update the file every month. I don't think a pivot table would be appropriate.
Hide all the filled Columns.. and in a visible column.. use IFEROOR(HLOOKUP.. where reference are your chosen Month..
What!! you need that Triangle shape with Filter Icon in the all Left cells.. and you dont want CODING and you also want that Triangle shape in TOP Rows also..
What if both Left & Top Filter are not intersecting each other.. !!!