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How can be predict numbers


New Member
how can be create a Macros program which will predict next lotto number based on past lotto numbers

for example the number are from 1-37
the last 5 draws are :

Thanks in advance!:)
This is the best predictor of the next lottery numbers:
Sub BestPredictor()
Dim Predictions(1 To 7)
For i = 1 To 7
    x = Application.RandBetween(1, 37)
    y = Application.Match(x, Predictions, 0)
  Loop Until IsError(y)
  Predictions(i) = x
Next i
MsgBox Join(Predictions, ", ")
End Sub
This is the best predictor of the next lottery numbers:
Sub BestPredictor()
Dim Predictions(1 To 7)
For i = 1 To 7
    x = Application.RandBetween(1, 37)
    y = Application.Match(x, Predictions, 0)
  Loop Until IsError(y)
  Predictions(i) = x
Next i
MsgBox Join(Predictions, ", ")
End Sub
thanks a lot!
you forgot to elaborate what could be your expected result, your strategy, the logic to follow, …​
a) Counting the frequency of each number in a lottery game

b) Determine which are "hot" numbers, "cold" numbers and "overdue" numbers within a certain draw period in a lottery game

c) Know how many times a number is paired with another number
it's running but the numbers which come out doesn't match with numbers drawn .
The goal is for at least 4/7 numbers to be hit. With your code, score is 0/7.
You will not find a better predictor than this. It takes into account the influence of all the previous lottery outcomes.
a) Counting the frequency of each number in a lottery game

b) Determine which are "hot" numbers, "cold" numbers and "overdue" numbers within a certain draw period in a lottery game

c) Know how many times a number is paired with another number
These are just some stats but what is the link with some prediction ? …​
A bit like post #3 but doing more of a scientific illusion with this VBA demonstration the five last draws must be within the cells range A1:G5 :​
Sub Demo1()
    Dim S, V, P%, N%
        S = ThisWorkbook.Saved
    With Application
       .ScreenUpdating = False
    With [J1:K37].Columns
       .Item(1).Value2 = [ROW(1:37)]
       .Item(2).Formula = "=COUNTIF($A$1:$G$5,J1)"
       .Sort .Item(2), 2, Header:=2
        V = .Item(1).Value2
    End With
        ThisWorkbook.Saved = S
       .ScreenUpdating = True
        Rnd -1:  Randomize V(1, 1)
    For P = 1 To 7
        N = Fix((38 - P) * Rnd) + P:  S = V(P, 1):  V(P, 1) = V(N, 1):  V(N, 1) = S
        MsgBox Join(.Small(.Index(V, [ROW(1:7)]), [COLUMN(A:G)]), " - "), , "Predict'one"
    End With
End Sub
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