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Highlight Max/Min Data Point on an Excel Chart


New Member
I emailed this question into Chandoo, but I thought I would post it here as well.

I've got a Basic Data Set that is a Range of Dates and Number of Employees that week. I've summarized it in a Pivot Table and added Slicers and a Basic Line Graph showing the fluctuating employee level over the time period. I'd like to add the Max and Min Data Points to the line graph and have those values change with the data as the slicers and/or filters are applied.

I know this would involve either Error Bars or Drop Lines or adding a another type of chart to the chart.

Let me know if you've got an questions or anything isn't clear.

Any help or advice on this would be greatly appreciated.
This should get you started in the right direction:

Hi ,

Googling gives a lot of information :

1. http://peltiertech.com/Excel/Charts/FormatMinMax.html

2. http://www.grbps.com/Excel8.pdf

3. http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/11/11/highlight-data-points-scatter-line-charts/

I discussed a technique that can be used for that right here: http://chandoo.org/wp/2010/11/11/highlight-data-points-scatter-line-charts/