Active Member
I've created a script which can handle webpages with slowload and parse the data when there is no more scrolling left. It works on infinite scrolling webpages as well.
This is the script (give it a go):
This is the script (give it a go):
Sub ControlSlowload()
Const URL As String = ""
Dim IE As New InternetExplorer, HTML As HTMLDocument, R&
Dim post As Object, elem As Object, prevlen&, curlen&
With IE
.Visible = True
.navigate URL
While .Busy = True Or .ReadyState < 4: DoEvents: Wend
Set HTML = .document
End With
prevlen = HTML.getElementsByClassName("listing__name--link").Length
prevlen = curlen
HTML.parentWindow.scrollBy 0, 99999
Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:02") ''increase the delay as per your internet speed
Set post = HTML.getElementsByClassName("listing__name--link")
curlen = post.Length
If prevlen = curlen Then Exit Do
For Each elem In post
R = R + 1: Cells(R, 1) = elem.innerText
Next elem
End Sub
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