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Hi Chandoo Expert,

Just a few more questions on this project. Can you help me understand how I can add more names to the drop down list so it will correspond to the formulas, chart, and the other information that's on their. Also, can you help me to put more rows and columns so the formulas will correspond to those added, and so that the conditional format will follow the names that was selected. Thanks, again and this should be the end of the questions. Joe from Michigan.


  • My Grade Template.xlsx
    237.8 KB · Views: 6

A few comments

You can simply insert rows between Rows 6 & 16 and the List of Students will automatically adjust

Having said that don't select the whole row, but say you want to add 5 students
Select B11:L15
Right click
Shift Cells Down
Enter the new names and scores
The Name drop down will adjust automatically

You will then need to adjust the Named Formula Pic
and add references for the new names pictures

I would also return to using a single Grade Lookup Table rather than the 2 your using at present

See attached


  • My Grade Template.xlsx
    239.9 KB · Views: 7