Hi ,
The student selection dropdown is a Form control which has been named Drop Down 2. Surrounding this is a shape which has been named Rectangle 7.
The Individual Performance box , I assume , is the one which displays the name of the selected student.
This is a picture placeholder named Picture 5. It is connected to a named range called Pic. If you click on the Name Manager , you can see that this has the following formula in the Refers To box :
The first parameter , colored red , is a number from 1 to 11 , which gives the position of the selected student in the list of names ; thus if Lora is selected , this will return 1 because Lora is the first name in the list , while if Joseph is selected , this will return 11 because Joseph is the 11th name in the list.
The remaining parameters , colored blue , are all named ranges , which refer to the ranges which contain shapes that have the individual student names in them. These are in the tab named Calc.