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Give value to msgbox from a value of activecell this need to be in a loop


New Member
Hi Team,

I am working on macro, where i need a msg box to be populated with a value from an activecell.

and the activecell will be change everytime.

for e.g.

I have some numbers say 1-10 and i need that numbers to populate in my msg box from

1-10 each number.

As of now i have below msg box VBA code.

Dim a As Integer

a = 2
While (Range("A" & a).Value <> "")
MsgBox (ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value)
a = a + 1
but the above code giving me the value only for one cell, & i want it to work till complete my loop.

Kindly help.
Hi ,

Certainly uploading your file will be helpful , but in the meantime , can you try the following ?

Dim a As Integer

a = 2
While (Range("A" & a).Value <> "")
MsgBox (ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Value)
a = a + 1
The point is that the While ... Wend construct forms a loop ; within the loop you need to increment the counter , so that each time through the loop the incremented number will be used.

Hi jeffreyweir/NARAYANK991

I have loaded worksheet on below link, please let me know if you need any other details.

Hi, vengal1987!

Regarding your column G data, what do you mean by "This numbers should be active with msg box", that each number of range G2:G26 should be displayed using MsgBox for... which active cells?

Please elaborate and reformulate in other words. Thank you.
