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Gantt(like) chart showing project phases


New Member
Hello Everyone -

I am trying to create a chart that shows a timeline bar for multiple projects, where each project occurs in 3 phases. In my attached picture I have the data for 3 projects, each of which has an orange, blue, and green phase.

I noted a posting on this site showing how to create a Gantt chart, where the data is given in terms of number of elapsed days for each phase. I can similarly compute the duration of each phase and create horizontal stacked bars, but I'm stuck on how to create the x-axis date timeline so that it will match the bars. The total timeframe for certain groups of projects may be as short as 18 months, but also may be 10+ years, so I don't want to create a cell for each day. My drawing shows year and quarter year marks, but I would like to be able to specify the divisions if possible, depending on the chart.

Thank you,

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  • ProjectPhasesChart_12-01-2016.pdf
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Hi and thank you so much for looking at my problem!

I'm new to posting to a forum to ask for help and already see that I should have framed my question better.

First, I don't have strong Excel skills, so I may not fully understand your solution. I believe you primarily used conditional formatting (?). Are there other aspects I should understand (I can't always reverse engineer what someone else has done)?

Now, for the additional information. In my real life problem, the dates can be any date during the year. I only showed first/middle/end of the month dates in my sample so that I could draw an easy picture. But the real projects are not so structured, which, if I correctly understand your solution, would require a cell for each day of the year.

What I had been playing with was the automatic charting feature of Excel. I wondered if I could create a horizontal bar chart, where each bar was made up of 3 parts. Then the bars could be more fluid in terms of the relative sizes of the parts and the overall bars/projects to each other. If I could figure out how to do a corresponding date scale along the bottom, then I could essentially zoom in and out and make the scale as fine or gross as necessary.

I would appreciate any further thoughts you have. Thank you!