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Formula to replace data


New Member
I need some help in creating a formula to replace the 1's with the column header.

For Example

Name	A	B	C
Faseeh	1		1
Sachin	1	1
Yuvi	1		1
Should look like this...

Name	A	B	C
Faseeh	A		C
Sachin	A	B
Yuvi	A		C
Fastest way:

1. Select entire region.

2. Hit Ctrl+F (Find), look for 1, do Find All.

3. In the dialogue, click in bottom area, then hit Ctrl+A to select all the cells. Close the find dialogue.

4. Pay attention to which column the active cell is in. Let's assume it's column C. Type the following:


and then hit Ctrl+Enter to confirm, not just Enter.

Dear getpras,

Just Luke M's logic. I have changed the policy.

1. Take a look the first 1. Assume it is in B2.

2. Type the formula in B2 =B$1 and press Enter

3. Copy the cell B2

4. Ctrl+A for select all

5. Ctrl+F for find

6. Type 1 in find what

7. Click on on find all and press Ctrl+A

8. Close the find dialog box

9. Press Enter for pasting

