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Formula to extra info from another sheet

Hi @decio,

I tried the formulas on my sheet, and it returns the following error - spill or just a blank cell :oops:

My entries start from row 31 and I tried to change the formula but obviously I didn't do it right o_O

Please can you adjust the formula :(


  • Copy of Issue Decio 7.xlsx
    41.5 KB · Views: 2
Jet Fusion

This error appears when the formula has no space to list the result of the matrix

Available only in Microsoft 365 summer since 2019

I corrected all formulas, check

I hope this helps



  • Issue Decio 8.xlsx
    40.2 KB · Views: 8


What did I do wrong, :oops:, I added a few rows in the top and updated the formulas but now I am not getting results *crying*

Sorry to bother you, please can you check and correct for me and explain what I did wrong :(




  • Decio Test.xlsm
    98.7 KB · Views: 3
Jet Fusion

When placing the formula in the spreadsheet you have to check the amount of line, because the formula is specific, note that in this formula ROW ('1'! $ G $ 35: $ BB $ 237) -34 I changed it to 34 because the tab starts at line 35 and also the number of cells is for 237 which is the number of lines you want to answer the formula, this formula also has to change to ROW ($ L $ 16: $ L $ 40) -15 changed to 15, I could fix but you asked for more line, remember, before I put {1; 2; 3; 4}, it is also important to check if the IF function is correct note you left IF (B16 <> ""; this way B16 is always empty because it has to be IF (C16 <> ""; C16 where this is the formula to bring the result.

I hope I explained it well, but if you have more questions you can ask as many times as you need



  • Decio Test 9.xlsm
    96.3 KB · Views: 7

You are :awesome: EXCEL CHAMP :awesome: for today ;)

It works now, and I looked thro your explanation and I see where I went wrong by going thro each formula to check. Thank you for explaining, I hope that I will be able to change anything in future and go by this explanation.

I would like to thank you for assisting me and your patience. I hope I can challange you again soon

@deciog Hi there

Me again :p

Ok today I was working with the file and I noticed something.

On the sheet1 rows G35:BB1000 it is not updating the information to sheet 2 when more than one coloum is entered.
It is keeping coloum G35:G1000 for all the entries.

So when you select H5 (49) sheet2 it should update I16 with the information from sheet1 G35:1000
So when you select H5 (50) sheet2 it should update I16 to the information from sheet1 H35:1000
and so on for all the rest of the numbers in G3:BB3 (49-96)

Thanks in advance


  • Decio Test 10.xlsm
    97.8 KB · Views: 2

Hello me again ;) I have a new challenge but I am not sure if this will fall under VBA coding / Macros? :(

  1. With the same workbook as above will it possible (might be taking a chance) to when you select the 49 sheet1 G4 it populates the information on sheet 2 with out having to click on anything on sheet2?
  2. On sheet1 G8 - BB32 is it possible to do the same where it extracted the number to sheet2 J16 to do the same when you insert AB5 sheet1 it will where it finds A it will insert "AAA" in sheet2 D11 and the same with D12 it will insert "BBBBBBB" this will depend on the info from sheet1 G8 - BB32?
Thanks in advance
Last edited:
Jet Fusion

You can enter all the expected results and explain what I can do the formula

Depending on does not need Macro


See file attached, if you don't understand, let me know I will try to exlain, but it basically works like what you have done before.

Jet fusion.


  • Decio Test .xlsm
    101 KB · Views: 5

I think this will need a macro to do what I want, like you say there are formulas but I want to only click on the number on sheet 1 and it should then filter data to sheet 2 where applicable and so on for each of the numbers (49-96).
