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formula reqd


i want the formula

if the value is 3.2 then it consider as 3.5
if the value is 3.8 then it consider as 4


I noticed that either your Excel version is not English or you have a different argument separator then the default, i.e., you use semicolon ";" instead of comma ",". I use a non English version, Spanish, and that's why I chose to post both my local formula versions (as I copy from the cell) as well as the expected international version (in English, with the normal separators and decimal point), thing that perhaps you've already seen.

It's highly advisable that you'd be willing to do the same or post only the standard formula version so as to avoid inducing people to get invalid formulas or errors when trying to apply your suggestions. Or at least a text on each post with formulas indicating what should users do to get them properly working in the default standard international English version. IMHO this last one is less desirable.

As you surely yet know but maybe many readers don't, this is an issue that only happens when copying and pasting formulas from non standard versions and doesn't take place when downloading a file, no matter in what version has it been saved as Excel automatically convert formulas and syntax to the local settings of the machine where it's being used.


PS: I just realized why that nick's avatar.


Discard this, I just just seen your signature, whether it's recent or from the beginning of the times.
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