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Formula or Macro that finds value and returns all sheet names that value is found in.


New Member
Hi, all!

Hoping to find some help on this.

I have a data set where I need to find if values in column E in the "reference" sheet are found in my "sheet_list" (that contains all sheet names), then return all sheet names where that value is found in column E of those sheets.

For example:

E7 on "reference" sheet is found in 3 different sheets. Can I input a formula that will return all of 3 names of those sheets where E7 is found in column E of those specific sheets?

Apologies if this is not clear enough, but would greatly appreciate any help on this.

Thanks for the response. When I copy the formula over, it is just returning a blank.

AC2:AC20 is the list of my sheet names.
AC2:AC20 is on the same sheet as the formula?
Otherwise attach the file.
In the attached, is a version of the formula which caters for any space(s) in the sheet names.


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