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Formula - Discounted Price & Amount

Dear All,

I would like to automate the process, wherein anytime a Discount Percentage is entered in Cell E2, the Discounted Price Cell B4 and Discount Amount Cell B5 must change.
Attached is the sheet I have manually put the formula in cell B4 - want this to update auto.

Thanking in advance for your help.

Kind regards


    7.8 KB · Views: 3
What exactly do you mean? You have the formula and it responds immediately. That is not automated enough? Are you then looking for a macro?
Can't imagine what the advantage is in this worksheet setup.
Apologies for not being clear in my expectations, in the attached sheet I have added more data - hope I can explain better this time).
Col A has the Full Price Amount, Col B is the Discounted Price (19% has been done manually), Col C is the Discount Amount - If I change the Discount % Cell C1 from 19% to 22% - Cells B1:B21 must change automatically.
Thanks once again for looking at this and helping me with the formula.


    11.6 KB · Views: 2
Dear Arjun,

Pls Put the below formula in your Cell B3 and see if it works for you




  • DISCOUNT PRICE (1).xlsb
    11.6 KB · Views: 5