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Extract number from a alphanumerica string


New Member
Hi Everyone,

Cell A1 contains 00I6600000715 3/1/2010 i need to have in Cell B1 Just 16600000715.

Need to remove first two "zeros", convert "I" into number 1 and finally removing date from the string leaving only required data that is 16600000715.

Any formula or macro to resolve the above puzzle would be a great help. Thanks in advance.

Cell A1 contains 00I6600000715 3/1/2010 i need to have in Cell B1 Just 16600000715.

Solution -- =VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)),"I","1")) works fine!

In addition to above scenario, I just figured out that there is a variation in Cell A1 That contains 00I6600000715 3/1/2010 sometimes this data doesn't have "I" there,so if data contains "I" replace it with "1" if not leave the data as it is.

Data Desired Result

00I6600000715 3/1/2010 16600000715

0016600000715 3/1/2010 16600000715


=IF(MID(A1,3,1)="I",VALUE(SUBSTITUTE(LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)),"I","1")),VALUE(LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1))))