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Extract multiple words from a cell in excel (solved)


New Member
Hello Everyone,

I am trying to extract certain words which starts from VRM in the cell. I've used below function but it extracts only the first instance where the condition is met and leaves the rest of word where the condition is met. I've attached a copy of the sample data for your reference.


  • Sample_Data_Updated(2).xlsx
    11.6 KB · Views: 5
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@Juniad 's formulae in columns G & H in the attached (with a tweak or two to make the results exactly as the 'required output' - see G9:H13 which checks this)
and for good measure, a Power Query version in columns J & K (right-click and choose Refresh if you change the source data) with similar checks in J9:K13.


  • Chandoo55152Sample_Data_Updated(2).xlsx
    22 KB · Views: 10
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Noted. I will ensure going forward mentioning cross post if there is any. As I am new here was not aware of the forum rules. Also, could you please help me in understand on how to mark this post as solved.