please, developers, I ask for help, I have a sheet called "CMS" contains columns from ("A1:BC"). I need to export these data into my SQL server from A2 till last indexed row.
I want to use this sheet to stock data into SQL DB as when I update the data then migrate it I need to be stoked below the previous data without deleting the old stocked data or modifying it. I ask to stock data only from this sheet to SQL DB.
my SQL Info
thanks a lot
please, developers, I ask for help, I have a sheet called "CMS" contains columns from ("A1:BC"). I need to export these data into my SQL server from A2 till last indexed row.
I want to use this sheet to stock data into SQL DB as when I update the data then migrate it I need to be stoked below the previous data without deleting the old stocked data or modifying it. I ask to stock data only from this sheet to SQL DB.
my SQL Info
sConnString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=EGCAHCSGALT352\SQLEXPRESS;" & _
"Initial Catalog=Table F;" & _
"Integrated Security=SSPI;"
thanks a lot