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Excel formula to calculate the no of weeks from a fix date


Hi I'm trying to write a formula to calculate the no of weeks from a fix date.
Eg. what is 52 weeks from 30/06/2014.
Hi ,

If you are not particular that you want a particular day of the week , but just the same day of the week as the start date , but the given number of weeks from that date , then you can try :

=Start_Date + Given_number_of_Weeks * 7

where Start_Date = 30/06/2014 , and Given_number_of_Weeks = 52

Hi Narayan

Thanks for your responds. However I tried the formula but it's not giving me the answer I want

=30/06/2014+(52*7) = 364.002

I actually want to 52 weeks Prior to 30/06/2014 will return what date.
For Example Current date is 02/05/2014, deduct 2 weeks, answer is 18/04/2014
Hi jrl1208

You should enter a date in a cell, no. of weeks in a different cell with +ve for adding and -ve for subtracting.

Than use those ref. in formula.

Say in A1 02/05/2014
in B1 -2
in C1 put formula =A1+(B1*7)

Hi ,

The problem is that Excel recognizes data entered as dates based on whether it is a valid date in your system date format , and whether it is a standalone item of data.

Thus , if your system date format is dd/mm/yyyy , then Excel will recognize 24/05/2014 as a valid date , but will interpret 05/24/2014 as text.

Also , 24/05/2014 will be recognized as a valid date , but 24/05/2014 - (2*7) will become text.

Lastly , if you try to use the = sign to tell Excel to interpret the entire expression as a formula , then Excel takes the expression 24/05/2014 not as a valid date , but as 24 divided by 5 divided by 2014 !

So either you go with what Misra has posted , or you have to put the whole expression in a format that Excel can understand and evaluate ; so you can enter :

=DATEVALUE("24/05/2014") - (2*7)

and you should have your answer.
