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Excel Camera Images


Not sure if this is an Excel question or an operating system question…
Does anyone know what would cause an Excel picture, taken with the Excel camera, appear differently when the picture is taken on different machines.
From my work desktop, I frequently take a “picture” of Excel data and copy into an email. This provides easier visibility for recipients with handheld devices. However, when I take the same picture from the same spreadsheet but via remote desktop from my laptop, the font on the picture does not represent the font on the spreadsheet, and the resulting image is unreadable. Anyone else experience this? The spreadsheet is using a standard 8pt Arial font.
Good day patsfan

What are you using to take the "pictures". Are the same fonts loaded on all machines

The excel camera tool is not realy for taking images of a spread sheet and sending to others as it is linked to the workbook in which you take the image from.

Do you have the Snipping tool, a far better option.

Hi Patsfan,

For screen capture, I use the [Print Screen] key on they keyboard (copies an image on to the clipboard) then paste in to Paint or even directly in to an email.


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Peters soultion is tried and tested and works, just a few mouse/keyboard clicks and you are done, the snipping tool does not need you to "copy/paste" or open an image editor but allows you to select your region and then save with a meaningful name straight to your directory.