S sergec10 New Member Apr 26, 2011 #1 Hi, I have heard that it is possible to have an excel sheet converted into an executable pdf. Can someone tell me more about it? Who does it? Where can I get the info? etc Thanks Serge
Hi, I have heard that it is possible to have an excel sheet converted into an executable pdf. Can someone tell me more about it? Who does it? Where can I get the info? etc Thanks Serge
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Apr 27, 2011 #2 Save your data as an Adobe PDF and then use a PDF to EXE converter Which you can find on the web
D DJ Member Apr 27, 2011 #3 Hi Hui, I tried to save an excel file as PDF document but was unable to do so. Kindly assist how I can do this.
Hi Hui, I tried to save an excel file as PDF document but was unable to do so. Kindly assist how I can do this.
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Apr 27, 2011 #4 Either: File, Save As PDF (*.pdf) or Print to a PDF file If you don't have a PDF writer installed, you may want to look at some of the free PDF Writers that are available on the internet, like Cute PDF These generally install themselves as a printer Driver and so you select the Adobe PDF Writer or whatever name they use To save as a PDF print the file selecting the PDF writer as the printer
Either: File, Save As PDF (*.pdf) or Print to a PDF file If you don't have a PDF writer installed, you may want to look at some of the free PDF Writers that are available on the internet, like Cute PDF These generally install themselves as a printer Driver and so you select the Adobe PDF Writer or whatever name they use To save as a PDF print the file selecting the PDF writer as the printer
D DJ Member Apr 27, 2011 #5 Hi Hui, I tried to do the same, however, I was unable to view *.pdf as file type. Hence was unable to do so. I don't know if I was doing any mistake. Does the converter you had mentioned in the earlier post can convert the excel file in the execuatable PDF?
Hi Hui, I tried to do the same, however, I was unable to view *.pdf as file type. Hence was unable to do so. I don't know if I was doing any mistake. Does the converter you had mentioned in the earlier post can convert the excel file in the execuatable PDF?
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Apr 27, 2011 #6 Do you have a Full version of Adobe Acrobat or Cute PDF etc installed ? Do you have Save as PDF as an option in Excel ?
Do you have a Full version of Adobe Acrobat or Cute PDF etc installed ? Do you have Save as PDF as an option in Excel ?
D DJ Member Apr 27, 2011 #7 I have adobe reader-9 installed in my system. Also, I didn't get save as PDF option in Excel.
Hui Excel Ninja Staff member Apr 27, 2011 #8 Adobe reader is a reader not a writer Download and install CutePDF Then try the above