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Excel as executable pdf?


New Member

I have heard that it is possible to have an excel sheet converted into an executable pdf.

Can someone tell me more about it? Who does it? Where can I get the info? etc


Save your data as an Adobe PDF and then use a PDF to EXE converter

Which you can find on the web
Hi Hui,

I tried to save an excel file as PDF document but was unable to do so. Kindly assist how I can do this.

File, Save As PDF (*.pdf)


Print to a PDF file

If you don't have a PDF writer installed, you may want to look at some of the free PDF Writers that are available on the internet, like Cute PDF

These generally install themselves as a printer Driver and so you select the Adobe PDF Writer or whatever name they use

To save as a PDF print the file selecting the PDF writer as the printer
Hi Hui,

I tried to do the same, however, I was unable to view *.pdf as file type. Hence was unable to do so. I don't know if I was doing any mistake.

Does the converter you had mentioned in the earlier post can convert the excel file in the execuatable PDF?
Do you have a Full version of Adobe Acrobat or Cute PDF etc installed ?

Do you have Save as PDF as an option in Excel ?
I have adobe reader-9 installed in my system. Also, I didn't get save as PDF option in Excel.
Adobe reader is a reader not a writer

Download and install CutePDF

Then try the above