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Excel 2010 - Sparklines Dynamic Range


hi all,

am having crazy moment with dynamic range on sparklines.

my dynamic named range (offset) will always select the last 3-entries from a table. i named it "Last3"

using normal chart, the dynamic named range works. everytime i add new entries to the table, "Last3" will pick up the latest 3-entries (from bottom).

if i enter this Last3 named range into Sparkline's range, it works as well.

however, whenever i add new entries (e.g. 4 more lines), the sparkline will extend to the new entries. i.e the sparklines will have >4 data points.

upon checking the sparkline's data range entry, it has changed to absolute reference. manually, if i enter "Last3" name, the sparkline will update to latest 3 entries.

is there a way to make the Sparkline's data range "stick" to the named range (in this example, "Last3")?


Can you post your named Formula so we can see what is going on?

Another way to do it is have the Sparkline fixed to 3 cells and have formulas in those cells that retrieve the last 3 data points from your data range
hi hui,

here's the named range (it was used to pick last 30 entries):


it spans to 11 columns (different series), so the sparklines also spans 11 columns accordingly.

i actually put the sparklines above the column title of the table (sparklines are used to visualize the last 30 days of data; instead of hundreds of days)

re: your alternative. I have another table that uses this method. It works as it uses absolute reference.

but i was trying out dynamic named range as well :)