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In column D a user has to select either "done" or "n/a" - only once they select one of these options the task should be classified as closed

In cell D17 - I want to be able to count the number of closed tasks

Simple as that - I just can't do it

Please can someone help me, and make it as simple as possible so I can understand.




  • FA.02-SOX-General-CheckList-FY21 .xlsx
    23.5 KB · Views: 6
Please look at the attached file sheet name "Checklist (2)" I remove the helper column (E) and just put a data validation with the same results.

Chief Ace


  • FA.02-SOX-General-CheckList-FY21 .xlsx
    26.3 KB · Views: 8
Chief Ace, formula in D17 may need to be along the lines of:
=COUNTIF(D3:D14,"<>Please Select")
user has to select either "done" or "n/a" - only once they select one of these options the task should be classified as closed
To be honest I don't quite understand "<>Please Select" part. What is it supposed to represent?
There are only 3 possibilities in the data validation in column D (Please select,DONE & NA). Counting the not PleaseSelect cells counts those where a decision has been made, ie. Open (not closed). (Blanks, which are allowed should probably be counted in too).
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