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Donut/Pie outer/middle/inner circles excel chart


New Member
Need help in generating excel based donut/pie chart.

Here is sample data:

Hw1, English,completed,due date 15-Aug-2010

Hw2, Math,pending,due date 15-Aug-2010

Hw3, Math,completed,due date 15-Aug-2010

Hw4, Science,completed,due date 20-Aug-2010

Hw5, English,pending,due date 15-Aug-2010

Hw6, Science,pending,due date 15-Aug-2010

Hw7, Science,completed, due date 20-Aug-2010

Hw8, Science,pending,due date 20-Aug-2010

Hw9, English,completed, pending,due date 15-Aug-2010

Hw10, Math,pending,due date 20-Aug-2010

Chart should present,

-Outer circle --> Total Count of each category with Label (English, Math or Science)

-Middle circle --> Total Count of each category completed with due date

-Inner circle --> Total Count of each category pending with due date

And possible expansion of chart to include other categories in inner-most circle.

Appreciate feedback.
Have a look at:


By the way HW9 has both Completed and Pending ?

Thank you. Hw9 should be completed.

BTW excel donut has only one outer circle. Inner circles for completed & pending seems missing :-( as there is no data in columns J & K. Can you please assist further to populate those data's and inner donut circles.
Sounds like your using a pre 2007 version of excel as I used Sumifs in those cells

To fix, copy this formula to J9:


and copy down and across to K11

Thank you.

I see donut chart but for better readability purposes can we please try categories with different options like :

- Leave outer circle with -no- color for english, math and science but label them with their total count

- Use green color for inner circle for completed with count in each subject category, and

- Use red color for inner-most circle for pending with count in each subject category.

To learn more about these donut charts, can you please suggest any websites for examples to refer in future.
You can right click on the rings and change the Data Label and Data Series properties to suit

A good web sites for charts is:
