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Displaying Current Activity in Project Portfolio Dashboard


New Member
I've got a portfolio of roughly 30 projects, and need to create a way to display the current activity in a combined list on the dashboard ... I've played around with all kinds of different functions, but can't seem to find the right one. The data is set up as in the dashboard template:

Column B - Activity

Column C - Start Date

Column d - Duration

Column E - % complete

I'm open to using either the date or the % complete as a means of determining what the current activity is ... since any activity with a value between 0 & 100% would indicate it's in progress. Ideally, I'd want to use the date, and display the activity that is scheduled to occur in the upcoming week. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!



Add two columns:

Days Complete = Duration * %Complete

Days to go = Duration - Days Complete

Only select the Start date

Then insert a New Bar chart (A Stacked Bar chart not a Column Chart)

Add the Days Complete and Days To Go data as new Stacked Series

Format to suit

or Refer: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t7t1hezzll3g50b/AnnR.xlsx