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Display record (from a set of records using drop down)



We use XL to capture client feedback. All responses are captured in an XL worksheet row-by-row with column headings being the question nos. Each record is unique to each survey.

My problem is: Based on a user selectable record via a Combo Box (pertaining to a particular survey), display the data of that survey in a Form and then optionally Print if via a button. My records are in worksheet named "Response" and Form is in worksheet named "Summary".

Broadly I know that VLOOKUP() should be used to search the Response worksheet, but how do I populate the combo box with few column headings such that the user can identify which survey data to select. The Response rows will increase as and when new survey results are captured. Hence the combo box will have to include all the rows with survey data (beginning at row A10).

Help appreciated.



I would setup a Named Range called Responses

and set the equation for the raneg to

Change the Sheet1 name and $100 to whatever number of maximum responses you think you'll need

In your Combo box set the Input Range to Responses

and set a Cell Link to some where; Say B1

Now you can use VLOOKUP to extract your Questions based on the Cell Link B1