Greetings, everyone.
Just need a bit of help on this particular conundrum. I doubt it has been posted up before, but correct me if I'm wrong.
A little background about the image: I'm a member of a Paid-To-Click site, and I made this spreadsheet to calculate how much I need to obtain to get certain cash bonuses. The values on the left-most column are the bonus amounts (in USD), while the percentages are represented by the first row's values.
My aim was to figure out how much I would need to get to qualify for a certain bonus amount, which is calculated as (bonus amount / percentage = how much I need). For example: I would need to make USD 0.40 to get a bonus of USD 0.02, based on a 5% percentage, but if the percentage were raised to 8%, I'd only need USD 0.25 to get the same amount.
If you look at the attached image, you'll notice that some of the values are highlighted in green. That was done by a few uses of Format Painter.
My questions, therefore, are as follows:
1. Is it possible to apply conditional formatting to highlight cells that fit the criteria of exact decimal values, up to 3 decimal places, at most? That would mean that anything that 0.5, 0.25, and 0.125 are acceptable, since they've been divided evenly, but anything that doesn't divide evenly (anything beyond 3 decimal places) shouldn't get highlighted at all. More importantly, how can I do it?
2. Does Excel have any functions or operators related to decimal accuracy as opposed to decimal precision? To my limited knowledge, the ROUND() function rounds a number to the nearest digit, but it only makes it precise, NOT accurate.
I mean, you can round 0.121428571 to 3 decimal places, which would show it as 0.121, but 0.121 is NOT an accurate figure, so you could expect some deviation of value when you use that rounded number in calculations, right?
Sorry if this sounds strange, but I'm a bit of a stickler for perfection when it comes to numbers, sometimes. The mere sight of 22/7 (yes, "pi") makes me cringe internally when I notice the decimals that follow after 3.142, and it just makes me wish there was an absolute value.
Thanks for the help, by the way.
Just need a bit of help on this particular conundrum. I doubt it has been posted up before, but correct me if I'm wrong.
A little background about the image: I'm a member of a Paid-To-Click site, and I made this spreadsheet to calculate how much I need to obtain to get certain cash bonuses. The values on the left-most column are the bonus amounts (in USD), while the percentages are represented by the first row's values.
My aim was to figure out how much I would need to get to qualify for a certain bonus amount, which is calculated as (bonus amount / percentage = how much I need). For example: I would need to make USD 0.40 to get a bonus of USD 0.02, based on a 5% percentage, but if the percentage were raised to 8%, I'd only need USD 0.25 to get the same amount.
If you look at the attached image, you'll notice that some of the values are highlighted in green. That was done by a few uses of Format Painter.
My questions, therefore, are as follows:
1. Is it possible to apply conditional formatting to highlight cells that fit the criteria of exact decimal values, up to 3 decimal places, at most? That would mean that anything that 0.5, 0.25, and 0.125 are acceptable, since they've been divided evenly, but anything that doesn't divide evenly (anything beyond 3 decimal places) shouldn't get highlighted at all. More importantly, how can I do it?
2. Does Excel have any functions or operators related to decimal accuracy as opposed to decimal precision? To my limited knowledge, the ROUND() function rounds a number to the nearest digit, but it only makes it precise, NOT accurate.
I mean, you can round 0.121428571 to 3 decimal places, which would show it as 0.121, but 0.121 is NOT an accurate figure, so you could expect some deviation of value when you use that rounded number in calculations, right?
Sorry if this sounds strange, but I'm a bit of a stickler for perfection when it comes to numbers, sometimes. The mere sight of 22/7 (yes, "pi") makes me cringe internally when I notice the decimals that follow after 3.142, and it just makes me wish there was an absolute value.
Thanks for the help, by the way.