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Date Problem


Hi All
I have a strange problem which I have never come across before concerning dates. When I enter a date for example 13/01/2016 It comes out as Wed, Jan, 13, 3290 I wondered if anyone could enlighten me as to why this happens it happens on all dates wether it is 2016,2015,2014. Your assistance would be gratefully appreciated.
Hi Mike.

Well, that's a new one! :eek: Can you check the cell's Number format? I'm wondering if it's some screwed up and is displaying number of minutes or something at the end (rather than the year).
Hi Mike.

Well, that's a new one! :eek: Can you check the cell's Number format? I'm wondering if it's some screwed up and is displaying number of minutes or something at the end (rather than the year).
Hi Luke
I have just checked the number format and that works fine. What I am trying to achieve is to get it to put the date on another sheet from the one I am working on and the formula I have used is =INDEX(Freq!$A$1:$A$55,1)*(Freq!$B$1:$B$55) I do not know if that has anything to do with it but I would not have thought so but you are the expert so I bow to your superior knowledge
Is there more to your formula? The last part worries me.

the first part is going to take the first number from the array (aka, A1). Then it multiplies it by...an array of 55 cells? Not sure what's going to happen after that. I think XL will just output the first item from the array, so whatever is in B1??

Would it be possible to upload the file w/ date error?
Is there more to your formula? The last part worries me.

the first part is going to take the first number from the array (aka, A1). Then it multiplies it by...an array of 55 cells? Not sure what's going to happen after that. I think XL will just output the first item from the array, so whatever is in B1??

Would it be possible to upload the file w/ date error?
Hi Luke
Sorry I am late responding I had to shoot of to London last night only got back at 3.30pm anyway I have tried to upload the file as you requested but it won't seem to do it why I don't know. But if it is any help it is just 55 of the file I sent you
42323 0 Thu, Jul, 06, 3290 42384
It is very strange really I have an identical file for the ladies section and that works fine so I copied it for the mens section and I have this problem?

I'm not sure which file you sent me (or when?), so I got a little confused at that statement.

If you copy the formula and relevant data into a clean new workbook, does problem persist?

I'm not sure which file you sent me (or when?), so I got a little confused at that statement.

If you copy the formula and relevant data into a clean new workbook, does problem persist?
Hi Luke
You are not going to believe this I moved the formulas into different columns and low and behold it works why would that be it don't make sense to me but hey it works and that is all I wanted Many thanks for your time and trouble have a great day and a brilliant life.