I have long list of data saved in word, i want to copy it to excel and with the help of Macro, i want to convert it data to column, but remove some duplicate fields and have same data in one column.
i have created a macro with steps records, however some of the fields have multiple entries and due to which the row has additional fields, now i want to remove those additional fields, so that i have one data type in one column only, please see the attached word and excel file for example
below is the code from VBA editor
>>> use code - tags <<<
now i want to remove the additional name, or do something that same type data is in same column
I have long list of data saved in word, i want to copy it to excel and with the help of Macro, i want to convert it data to column, but remove some duplicate fields and have same data in one column.
i have created a macro with steps records, however some of the fields have multiple entries and due to which the row has additional fields, now i want to remove those additional fields, so that i have one data type in one column only, please see the attached word and excel file for example
below is the code from VBA editor
>>> use code - tags <<<
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
Selection.TextToColumns Destination:=Range("A1"), DataType:=xlDelimited, _
TextQualifier:=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=True, _
Semicolon:=True, Comma:=True, Space:=False, Other:=True, OtherChar:= _
":", FieldInfo:=Array(Array(1, 1), Array(2, 1), Array(3, 1), Array(4, 1), Array(5, 1), _
Array(6, 1), Array(7, 1), Array(8, 1), Array(9, 1), Array(10, 1), Array(11, 1), Array(12, 1) _
, Array(13, 1), Array(14, 1), Array(15, 1), Array(16, 1), Array(17, 1), Array(18, 1), Array( _
19, 1), Array(20, 1), Array(21, 1), Array(22, 1), Array(23, 1), Array(24, 1), Array(25, 1), _
Array(26, 1), Array(27, 1), Array(28, 1), Array(29, 1), Array(30, 1), Array(31, 1), Array( _
32, 1), Array(33, 1), Array(34, 1), Array(35, 1), Array(36, 1), Array(37, 1), Array(38, 1), _
Array(39, 1), Array(40, 1), Array(41, 1), Array(42, 1), Array(43, 1)), _
End Sub
now i want to remove the additional name, or do something that same type data is in same column
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