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Data Labels


I set up a series of charts like the one below:
The data label is only for the ending value, Feb-20. It is positioned to the right so it'll be aligned with new values each month. I deleted each data label in the series so that only the last one remained. I expected the data label to always be the ending value in the series, but it turns out the label is specific to the month. Here is what the chart looked like when I first updated the chart with Feb-20:
The prior ending value was Jan-20 and when I added Feb-20, the data label still referred to Jan-20.

I tried keeping all the data labels, but shrinking the size of all but the ending value to font size 1, making them invisible. But still I got the same result as above upon update. I have 60 of these charts and I want an automatic way of handling this. Any ideas?
