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Data Extraction using MS Excel VBA macro


Active Member
I have VBA code in excel which extract information from MS word document. after successful extraction i see small rectangular box at the end of extraction and it will delete automatically when i double clink on cell.
need help please to identify the issue and fix.


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Normally in Word when I see a box like that and mouse over it, it'll show me a drop-down list of options, sometimes with a bit of explanation. I don't do much with VBA/Word so I can't suggest anything better than that.
I have VBA code in excel which extract information from MS word document. after successful extraction i see small rectangular box at the end of extraction and it will delete automatically when i double clink on cell.
need help please to identify the issue and fix.
It seems like the issue might be related to the presence of a shape or object in the cell after the extraction process. To troubleshoot and fix the issue, consider the following steps:

1. Check for Hidden Shapes or Objects:
- Select the cell containing the extracted information.
- Go to the "Home" tab in Excel.
- Click on "Editing" in the "Find & Select" group.
- Choose "Go To Special."
- Select "Objects" and click "OK."

This will highlight any objects or shapes in the selected cell. If you find any, you can delete them.

2. Review VBA Code:
- Examine your VBA code that extracts information from the Word document.
- Check if there are any lines of code that insert shapes or objects inadvertently.

3. Clear Formatting:
- Select the cell and press `Ctrl + Spacebar` to select the entire column.
- Press `Ctrl + 0` (zero) to clear formatting.

4. Double-Click Event:
- If a double-click event is triggering the deletion, check if there's a worksheet or workbook event associated with double-clicking.

Without seeing your specific code, it's a bit challenging to provide an exact solution. If the issue persists, you may want to share a portion of your VBA code related to the extraction process so that I can provide more targeted assistance.