Anu - I am currently working on your dashboard...will share it in a while...
Regarding pic again...I am really confused. You are refering to "copy of grade evaluation" dashboard which had a completely different data set ..that was the performance of the students..and I knew that it is the student's pic that needed to be added to the dashboard...However, file "My Data" seems to be some sales data for different branches of the the same whose picture do you want in this dashboard
WOW...... it`s perfectly fine..thank you. So much
can one thing change in this desk top when we select Branch in overall snap shot shows respective branch data like
"branch A total stone is 450 and AVG 37 like." Yes we can do that...However, before I proceed further...
I would like to know if the number of branches can increase or are more than 3..If so I would change my approach of working with different tables for different branches..
First you want to add 4th branch..(comment number 12)
Now in comment number 14, you say you want to add region and basis region dropdown you want branches dropdown to populate branches within that region
But the data provided is not sufficient enough to incorporate your requirements
I would appreciate if you could share the exact replica of the data set you have...If it doesnt have any confidential data..can you then share your working file..
I have use your pervious dash bord in my other file I have already done some changes but how can I change in this desk top when we select Branch in overall snap shot shows respective branch .
I meant Like when we Select any Branch then in desk top shows chosen Product Chart and above over all snap shot So I need when we select Over all Option same will be shows in desk top.