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Dashboard with unrelated KPIs


New Member
I'm trying to create a dashboard for over 30 KPIs which are organized by the balance score card perspectives. The user wants to see all the KPIs arranged by their balanced score card perspective. Problem is the KPIs are so different and measured in different units (eg dollar vs percentage)I was wondering if anyone has seen a dashboard which contains KPIs which are not comparable to each other for instance having a revenue and customer service index KPI.

Thanks in advance.
I actually have done that in the past. but the most important thing is that you work with your manager and/or receipients of the dashboard and pick their brain on how they see those KPIs are related.

Most often than not they would say KPI#4, 6 and 11 are related and put them in a chart. then another chart on KPI#3 and 8. then another on #5 and 20. Or you may have to eye ball the data and find relationships among the KPI. You know, find if there are stories to tell instead of just presenting the KPIs to readers because it is very dry and boring to read numbers to most folks. But people like to hear stories, the cause for driving certain KPIs to a low number/high number.
Hi ,

As Fred has suggested , you can certainly have discussions with stakeholders ; I would suggest that you apprise yourself about the BSC , and check whether the KPIs given to you really fit into the 4 perspectives of the BSC viz. Financial , Customer , Internal Business Processes , Learning and Growth.

If they do not , then probably this can form the basis of a discussion with the stakeholders.

If they do , then there is no real reason why your dashboard cannot incorporate all of them. How and from where the underlying data for these KPIs will be generated , that is the real question ; either you already have the answer to this , or you need to discuss this with all the concerned managers.

Narayank991: The KPIs have been entered in a seperate excel worksheet Excel, while the dashboard is in anotehr worksheet in the same file. The persons who have the KPI data (eg. someone form accoutns would enter the financial data) are responsible for going in the file and updating the KPI actual and target figures each month.

I have since created a post asking persons if they use Acess to store the data and then utilize excel for the dashboards. Two persons said that's their approach, so I am now considering it.