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custom value

Perhaps Data - Text to columns ( if you post a sheet with some data and expected outcome it would help)
jiwan singh
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    What would to do with others than pcs?
The value part is easy since all you have in the original range is the number. The units are created by number formatting. Since the number formats do not change the simplest solution would be to create the units column manually, after all, someone has already put in considerably more work to create the number formats. The first formula is
= amount
but this time using a simple number format. The units of measure can be read using a UDF
= units(amount)
where the UDF is
Option Explicit
Option Base 1

Function units(amount As Range)
Dim s As String
Dim v(10, 1) As String
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 10
    s = amount.Item(i).Text
    v(i, 1) = Right(s, 3)
Next i
units = v
End Function
I doubt it is worth the effort though.

1] E2, formula copy down :


>> Format cell in "General"

2] Select F2 >> Define name >>

>> Name : ExtractUnit
>> Refers to : =GET.CELL(53,C2)
>> OK


In F2, formula copied down :

=MID(ExtractUnit,FIND(" ",ExtractUnit)+1,99)

>> File saved in "xlsm" type "Excel Macro-Enabled Worksheet"



  • EXCEL JIWAN.xlsm
    12.2 KB · Views: 7