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Custom Properties of a workbook


Hi, I am an intermediate user of Excel 2010 but this is a really basic question for which I cannot find any information about . I have never used the Custom properties tab found within “Info, Properties, Advanced Properties. Can someone please explain why you would use the dropdown fields of Text, Date, Number, Yes or No and give examples or tell me where I can source this information. I know this is used to identify workbooks but I would love to know how to use this and why I would be using this. Thanks
Hi suell,

Welcome to the forum, you could try this for more information

Hi, I tried that site, but it does not explain what the fields mean or how to use them. I need examples....thanks for helping.
Do this one help?


or this one

Hi, just watched the youtube video you recommended, sad to say she did not mention the custom property of the workbook...so still at a loss....thanks