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Creation of a "dynamic" formula (solved)


New Member

I'd like to create a formula that would be generated based on the input in two other cells.

The input in those two cells would represent the cells (location) where the formula should start and where it should end.

For example, I'd like to create a SUM formula that would take input from such two cells as start and end of calculation.

I'm attaching an example.

Thank you and best regards.


  • Creating a Dynamic Formula.xlsx
    11.9 KB · Views: 2
I think I found the solution.

The formula that should be used in conjuction with the SUM is INDIRECT.

I'm attaching the same file, but with the correct formula.

Of course, if there's any other - more elegant way - I'm happy to hear about it!



  • Creating a Dynamic Formula.xlsx
    12.1 KB · Views: 6