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Creating a mini app to put fixtures into a Calendar app (iCal, etc)


New Member
Hi all

Slightly odd that I ask this question on my favourite Excel site as it concerns adding a list if Cricket match fixtures I have into an iPhone/iPad/Android/etc calendar! Can it be done from excel or an excel macro or mini app or link?

The fixtures are currently in an excel spreadsheet and what I want to create is a mini app or macro that I can post online or send in an email, so that when the user double-clicks it uploads the fixtures from the spreadsheet into their devices calendar.

The requirements I have are:

1. Must be able to download to any device or PC (although I'm happy to create seperate 'files' for each if necessary, and the first should be iPhone compatible)

2. Must be a double click event i.e. simple so that even the most computer illeterate can do it

3. The code/vba to do it must be reusable i.e. so that when the new fixtures come out each year I just have to copy it and point it at the new fixtures

4. Keep instructions simple!

Whilst I've dabbled with vba before I am not a serious or consistent user, bear this in mind when replying please!

Why am I trying to do this? I play for and coach juniors at my local cricket club, Winton CC. I want to try and integrate as many of the Junior players and parents with senior games and senior players with Junior games so that we can develop the club further. Best way of doing this is using technology most club members have so that they can see what games are on at the club on any given day!

I can attach the file in question and will do so once I figure it out! In the meantime, the columns I have created for this are:

Event Title: text

Location: text

Starts: yyyymmdd hh:ss

Ends: yyyymmdd hh:ss

Time Zone: text

Repeat: text

Invitees: text

Alert: text

Calendar: text

Availability: text

URL: text

Notes: text

Hope I haven't repeated this from a similar post, I did some searching but nothing relevant came up that I could see!

Thanks in advance


(pronounced "day-mo")
Hi Damo ,

Have you checked out this link ?


They say that if you send them a sample worksheet , they will send it back to you after passing it through their converter for you to test.
