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Create Sheet with designated sheet number


I sure this is elementary for most of you guys but I am having a hard time trying to create a new sheet with a predesignated sheet number. I want to create a new sheet coded as (Sheet50) . I will be giving it a different name on different files but I would need to reference (Sheet50) via VBA when I re-open the file. Any suggestions? My fear is Excel will only create sequential sheet numbers.
Thanks Debraj, but I was unable to find a solution from the link you provided.
What I am trying to do is create a worksheet and force the “code name” for that sheet. Example, If I created the worksheet today, I would name it “12-10-13” but Excel would provide it with a sequential built in code name like "Sheet21(Sheet21)”.
However, if I want to reference that sheet via VBA at a later time, I can only reference it by using the “12-10-13” name or the “(Sheet21)” code name. However, both of those names can change from workbook to workbook.
I want to create a worksheet (via vba code) with an out-of-sequence code name like “Sheet50(Sheet50)” which will remain consistent in all the workbooks I create. That way, I can reference the same sheet in any of the files via VBA.
Hi, patsfan!

Design a workbook as a master file, create a worksheet there and build a table in the 2 1st columns:
Column A: an internal identifier that will be used within the code for pointing at that sheet, e.g., "SheetForDoingNothing"
Column B: the code name you want to assign to that type of sheet, e.g., "SheetForDoingNothingAtAll"

Then in all the workbooks call use the name in column A to retrieve the name in column B.

Thanks for the suggestions guys but my inability to properly communicate my thoughts, or use the correct terminology, made this more difficult than it needed to be.
I was able to create a new worksheet in an existing workbook and change the new sheet's codename using the code below.
So now using VBA, I can identify and access the "DataSheet" in any of the data files I created regardless of the visible sheet name.
Public newsheetcodename, tempsheet
Sub create_sheet_force_code_name()
  tempsheet = "12-18-2013" 'this is a user-entered date for the filename and visible name of the worksheet.
  Sheets.Add.Name = tempsheet
  newsheetcodename = ActiveSheet.CodeName
End Sub
Private Sub ChangeSheetCodeName()
  '''this code must reside in a module all by itself
  ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents(newsheetcodename).Name = "DataSheet"
End Sub