Basically what I need is to create a Backup of the adjustment values (to sheet "back up") and then paste values the columns "Ajuste" in sheet "Eliminaçoes". I almost found solutions but then it goes nuts because there are so many columns to consider.
In order to be able to upload the file I had to reduce the number of columns in sheet "Eliminações". IF there are 100 companies there will be combinations for consolidation up to column UYG.
I also found this line of code for selecting the columns and copy, but I can´t understand how to select up to column "UYG" and to adjust the code in order to paste values those columns.
Basically what I need is to create a Backup of the adjustment values (to sheet "back up") and then paste values the columns "Ajuste" in sheet "Eliminaçoes". I almost found solutions but then it goes nuts because there are so many columns to consider.
In order to be able to upload the file I had to reduce the number of columns in sheet "Eliminações". IF there are 100 companies there will be combinations for consolidation up to column UYG.
I also found this line of code for selecting the columns and copy, but I can´t understand how to select up to column "UYG" and to adjust the code in order to paste values those columns.
Sub tstytre()
For j = 6 To 100 Step 3
c01 = c01 & "," & Columns(j).Address
Range(Mid(c01, 2)).EntireColumn.Copy
End Sub