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Copy Column until Cell Value = Text


New Member
Im trying to copy cells in column B, at first I was copying until the cell was blank and used this code.

With Range("b21")

Range(.Cells(1, 1), .End(xlDown)).copy Destination:=Worksheets("Copy").Range("e3")

End With

But in some of the files that use this macro, there are spaces in between cell values. The range I am looking for will always start at cell B21 and always end with the Cell Text of "Total" in column B.

Does anyone know how I can change this to copy every cell in column b from cell B21 down to a cell that says "Total"? Is it possible to ignore blank cells when doing this? If not I can remove blank cells at the end of my code


Hi, jgj1988!

Try putting things upside down:

Range(Range("B21"), Cells(ActiveSheet.Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp)).Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Copy").Range("E3")

Hi jgj198!

Try this one too...

FindTotal = WorksheetFunction.Match("Total", [B:B], False)
Range("B21:B" & FindTotal).SpecialCells(2, 23).Copy Sheets("Copy").[E3]


Thanks Deb and SirJB7,

What you said worked perfectly, but now I am trying to set a range between two cells based on the two terms "total current scenario" & "total proposed scenario". Here's what I have come up with but I am getting an error "Range of Global Object Failed":

findtotal = WorksheetFunction.Match("Total Current Scenario", [b:b], False)

Range("B21:B" & findtotal).copy Destination:=Worksheets("copy").Range("e3")

findtotalz = WorksheetFunction.Match("Total Current Scenario", [a:a], False) + 1

Findend = WorksheetFunction.Match("Total Proposed Scenario", [c:c], False)

Range(findtotalz & Findend).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[+1]& RC[+2]"-------this is the line that fails.

Thanks again,

I played around with this for a while and was able to come up with an answer:

Findtotalz = WorksheetFunction.Match("Total Current Scenario", [c:c], False)

findend = WorksheetFunction.Match("Total Proposed Scenario", [c:c], False)

Range("a" & Findtotalz, "a" & findend).FormulaR1C1 = "=RC[+1]& RC[+2]"

Figured I would post the answer in case some one else had the same question.


Hi, jgj1988!

Glad you solved it. Thanks for your feedback sharing your solution and for your kind words too. And welcome back whenever needed or wanted.
